Pretrial detention

Pretrial detention is one of the most serious infringements of a person's constitutional rights known in German law. It is hard to imagine how serious a situation this is for the detainee, their family, their employer, coworkers and their lives as a whole.

One of the most important tasks of the criminal defense lawyer is to keep the stress and strain to a minimum and alleviate it as soon as possible. If the arrest warrant is not lifted quickly, this also includes seeking to obtain early release from custody, be it through pretrial bail, supervision requirements, or by taking other steps.

The health of the detainee is also a factor that must be taken into consideration. We are all too familiar with the concerns and hardships faced by pretrial detainees and their families and the myriad of problems great and small that come with incarceration.

We advise and attend closely to our clients and their families in detention cases, always with the aim of ensuring the detainee's release as soon as possible.